














  • Software Developer
  • Digital Creator
  • Sr. Data Analytics Instructor


I'm a highly technical and resourceful problem solver, where I prioritize growth on leadership. My core competencies surround Software Engineering with programming languages like Python, C++, and Java. I have a strong understanding on related fields, such as SQL-based database management, data structures and algorithms, systems analysis and design, software quality assurance and computer networks.

On the side, I'm re-learning Front-End Web Development, which includes advanced HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Git, React and UI/UX. This complements my experience in Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics, as I aim to enhance my career prospects through creating software development projects, digital content and personal branding.

Born and raised in Manila, I was built-up with Filipino resiliency. I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Information Technology in one of the top universities in the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas.

Currently, I'm working as a Senior Data Analytics Instructor at COOP Careers, a non-profit organization. Here, we introduce Data Analytics fundamentals, lead career advancement and networking workshops, and provide mental health support. Our mission is to help underrepresented professionals overcome underemploymentOur mission is to help professionals overcome underemployment.


UI/UX Researcher Project - Elderly Facility APP Prototype (2023)

Created a prototype APP that accommodates patients in an elderly health-care facility through extensive research on user behavior, experience and needs using Figma


Project Type: UI/UX

Meta Coursera HTML & CSS Portfolio Assignment - Little Lemon (2023)

Designed a mobile responsive, static one page site using HTML, vanilla CSS with Flexbox


Project Type: Web Development

Lego Media Plan (2023)

Created an annual budget allocation media plan in strategizing resource allocation through analyzation of the working marketing strategies and capitalizing the social media trends


Project Type: Digital Marketing

Classification: Case Study for Kepler

Role: Media Planner

BISA Wellness (2022)

Analyzed social media data and provided digital marketing strategies aimed to solidify a successful product launch and market an eco-friendly and sustainable product, supplementing its current social media presence and business using Meta, Business Suit, Tableau and Excel


Project Type: Data Analytics

Classification: Client Facing (Group of 17)

Role: Project Manager | Social Media Analyst

2021 NYC Youth Crime Rate (2022)

Analyzed 2021 NYC Crime Rate through 150,000+ rows of data and correlated external studies on a mission of decreasing recidivism among the incarcerated youths (aged 25 & below) using Python, Tableau and Excel


Project Type: Data Analytics

Classification: Case Study (Group of 4)

Role: Gender Demographics Analyst

FPS Interactive Whiteboard (2016)

An interactive learning platform on a Windows Environment acquiring 100% accuracy on body movement and color tracking using Microsoft Kinect and C++


Project Type: Software Engineering

Classification: Thesis | Capstone (Group of 4)

Role: Main Developer | Team Leader

RGB LED Flashlights (2015)

Built two customized flashlight by encoding the C program in an 8 bit Atmel IC to produce the designed output of the circuit


Project Type: Embedded Systems

Classification: Sub-Project

Role: Main Developer | Builder

Simple Animation Using Java (2015)

A simple animation of an Anime character using pure Java with JFrame


Project Type: Simple Coding

Attendance Monitoring System for the Faculty of UST IICS (2014)

A process re-engineering project for the attendance system using Java and MySQL


Project Type: Software Engineering

Classification: Client Facing (Group of 4)

Role: Project Manager

Note: project documentation only

ASM Codes (2012)

A list of simple Assembly(ASM) programs


Project Type: Simple Coding